'What's Happening' Blog

Senior Room

Published on May 09th 2017 by LMNS

Here are a few things that we have been doing so far in this our last term for this school year:

  1. Science – Looking at ways we can physically change materials – This a change that can often be reversed and involves cutting, bending, pulling, squeezing, as well as a few other methods of changing materials. We experimented with ways to change paper.


2. Art – For Art we made notice boards to pin important items or pictures onto.


3. Geography – We have been learning about different soil types. We went to the Strand to see what types of soil we could find there. We found peaty soil and drier soil. We smelt and felt these soils to see what differences were evident between them.

Liosmór Mochuda National School is a mixed two-teacher school in Lismore, Co. Waterford under the Patronage of the Church of Ireland. It is nestled at the top of North Mall between the historic St. Carthages Cathedral and the Deanery.



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