September 2024

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Guide for Parents


Your child is very welcome to Liosmór Mochuda National School. We aim to make your child’s school days happy and memorable. Here are a few guidelines, which will help you and your child.

  • Some ways you can help your child prepare for school

    Be happy and positive about your child starting school.
    Read as often as possible to your child.
    Buy books for your child if you can and/or bring your child to the library.
    Point out print in the environment.
    Tell the traditional stories and nursery rhymes.
    Teach your child not to interrupt.
    Help your child learn to take her/his turn.
    Encourage your child to participate in physical activities: swimming, cycling, jumping etc.
    Encourage your child to mix with other children.
    Children must be toilet trained before beginning school.

  • School days

    Lessons start at 9.20 a.m. with breaks at 11.15 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. for snacks.
    We suggest you pack a snack of perhaps, sandwiches, yogurt (with a spoon), fruit, vegetables and a drink (please use a plastic bottle). Chewing Gum is not allowed in school. Please avoid using glass bottles for safety reasons. We operate a Healthy Lunch Box Policy but Friday is treat day, on this day the children are allowed to have one treat in their Lunchbox such as crisps, a cake or chocolate.

    Infant classes (Junior and Senior Infants) end at 2.00 p.m. All other classes finish at 3.00 p.m. Supervision is not provided after 3.00 p.m. Please collect your child at the correct time. If you arrange for someone else to collect your child, please let the teacher know beforehand of your arrangements. If you are running late due to an unforeseen circumstance, please let the school know.

    Parents are asked to park well back from the school gates in the interest of the children’s safety.

  • Travel by bus

    Please contact the school for information on school bus options.

  • Dress

    There is no school uniform in our school. We advise against heavy lace up boots to be worn. We advise parents to send their children in shoes they can manage to tie themselves.

    Outdoor shoes are taken off as they enter their classrooms. Please supply slippers for indoors. To avoid mix up with clothes we recommend that you put name tapes on all clothes worn to school.

  • Materials

    Your child will need a school bag, a pencil case with good quality pencils, a ruler, a rubber, colouring pencils and a sharpener. Infant children require a small box to hold words, which your child will be learning during the year. Senior Room children require a red pen and a 30cm ruler. Please name all your child’s items. Please check your child’s pencils. Stick-on nametags are very useful.

  • Books

    All textbooks are bought by the school; they are then rented to each child. This is to keep cost down for parents. Book bills will be sent home in the last term. On it will be book rental, cost of workbooks and copies the children write in, as well as photocopying costs and the cost of art and craft materials.

  • Homework

    Small amounts of homework are given, increasing with the child’s age. All children are expected to complete their homework and have it checked and signed by their parents/guardians.

  • Contribution to running costs of School

    The Board of Management has asked parents to voluntarily contribute €50 per annual, per child. This can be paid per term in installments or in a lump sum. It is to be paid to the Treasurer of the Board of Management or the Principal.

  • Children’s Progress

    Parents are kept abreast with their child’s progress. Parents are welcome to come to the school to discuss concerns regarding their child’s education. Parents can also arrange a meeting with the class teacher at any mutually convenient time, if there is a need. Please contact school secretary to make an appointment. Secretary’s hours Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Tel. 058-54848.

    During the second term parents are invited by appointment to meet with their class teacher to discuss their child’s progress. At the end of the third term a written report is sent home on each child.

    To keep parents up to date information notes and texts are sent home. So please keep an eye on the school bag’s contents! Please sign homework journals nightly after homework has been completed and checked by you.

    A newsletter is produced by the children twice a year to keep parents informed as to what is happening in the school. The school website also provides up-to-date information.

  • Holidays

    Please arrange family holidays to coincide with the school holidays. To assist, parents receive a school calendar in the first term.

  • Parties

    For parents who organise birthday parties, please distribute invitations outside school hours. Thank you for your co-operation.

  • Phone calls

    If you wish to call the school please do so outside of teaching hours. Please call 058-54848 from 11:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and from 1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. or after 3:00 p.m. or Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. when the school secretary is in the office. Or in urgent cases ring school mobile 086-3295096 or leave message on school answering machine.

  • Board of Management

    The school is managed by a Board of Management under the patronage of the Church of Ireland Bishop of Cashel and Ossory. The Board meets at least once a term and is composed of:

    • Two members elected by the Patron
    • Two elected parents

    Please note: Any queries that a parent may have please divert them to the teachers or Chairperson rather than the parent’s representatives, there is a complaints procedure available from the school.
    • Two representatives from the Community, elected by the other 6 members
    • Two Teachers

    The Board is responsible for the governance of the school. It is responsible for school children in the school environs from 9:20 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. only.

  • Parent Teacher Association

    An annual general meeting of parents is held in the First term. A committee of three is elected along with the Principal. The Aims of the Association are:

    • To assist and organise extracurricular activities
    • To organize social activities for the parents.
    • To augment resources and improve facilities of the school by fund raising.

  • Code of Discipline

    In our school we wish that pupils develop a self-discipline and maturity based on respect for themselves and for others. When the rights of pupils and teachers are respected, our school will run smoothly.

    Because I like to be happy and to be treated with respect and understanding:

    • I must treat others with respect, courtesy and honesty.
    • I must treat all teachers with politeness and obedience and respect their authority.
    • I must not use bad language, as this is insulting to myself and to others.
    • I must be kind to others so I must not call names, tease or try to hurt others feelings.

    Because I like to feel safe:

    • I must make school safe for others, not threatening, hitting or hurting anyone.
    • I must walk calmly and quietly coming and going from school, in school and on school tours. This is to avoid accidents.

    Because I like my property to be safe:

    • I must walk calmly and quietly coming and going from school, in school and on school tours. This is to avoid accidents.
    • I must treat the property of others with respect.
    • I must treat school property, especially books with care. If I damage any property I must replace it.
    • I must be tidy and not litter the school.
    • See full code of discipline when enrolling.

  • St. Carthage's Cathedral

    Our local Church of Ireland Church is the Cathedral, located next door to the school. We attend the church for assemblies from time to time and regular services are held in the church at Harvest, Christmas and summer. These are hosted by the school children and parents and relatives are invited.

    Family Services and Craft and Story Services are held on the first and third Sunday of each month and the children are encouraged to attend and take part.

    The Dean, Paul Draper, leads assembly in the school each Friday morning.

Parents as


Liosmór Mochuda National School is committed to ensuring that every child receives a quality education.

We want to work with parents/guardians to ensure that we support their child’s learning in whatever way we can.

We acknowledge the role of parents as partners in education.

Parents are encouraged to be actively involved in the life of the school. It is crucial to the success of our pupils that the school fosters parental interest and support.

Communication between school and home should be open and positive.

Liosmór Mochuda National School acknowledges that the parents are the primary educators of their children and we endeavour to create an open and welcoming atmosphere in our school at all times.

This policy outlines strategies adopted by the school to promote positive home-school relations.

Check out our Parents as Partners policy to find out more about the resources available for you to get involved in your child’s education.


Parent Teacher

The purpose of the P.T.A. is to provide a structure through which the parents/guardians of the children attending Liosmór Mochuda National School can work together for the best possible education for their children. The P.T.A. will work with the Principal, Staff and B.O.M. to build effective partnership between home and school.

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