We have a lot of fun learning here at Liosmór Mochuda National School.
See below to learn more about what we’ve been up to and check back soon to keep up to date!
5th and 6th class attended an event in Lismore Library. An author came and told us about how he wrote his novels, the Arthur Quinn Series. He helped us to put together a character description and explained how he develops characters. He is writing more books at the moment. He described the writing, editing and […]
The winning Waterford team came to visit us recently. They told us about their win and showed us the cup. They let us hold the cup and signed our bags, jackets and books.
The week leading up to our Hallowe’en Break was busy. We had great fun dressing up and taking on the appearance of different characters. The P.T.A. also organised a great party. We had pasta, decorated buns and ate popcorn and crisps while watching a movie. Harry also read story to the children who did not […]
In the Senior Room we were composing musical pieces recently. It was so much fun and we enjoyed putting our compositions together.
Since the start of the new school year we have been working very hard. Some of the activities we did were: Oral language, we discussed our summer holidays, we wrote about our favourite part of the holidays. We have revised our Jolly Phonics sounds and we are now teaching them to the Junior Infants. We […]
3rd and 4th went to the library on Wednesday October 19th. We met Jungle Dave. He had two snakes; one was so long that it took all of 4th from Bunscoil and all 3rd and 4th from Mochuda to lift him. He had an iguana called Phyllis. He has two smaller iguanas who were boyfriend […]
On Friday October 21st we held a Harvest Service in the Cathedral. Lots of us had readings and prayers. We also sang some songs. The Dean read a letter from S.A.D. – Seeds Against Darkness, the seeds were writing to complain about the fact that they are places in dirty, wet, cold places and […]
We all paid a visit to the Pop-Up Shop on Friday October 14th. They were selling lots of things. Some of us bought books and toys and some of us bought drinking glasses. We all sampled some cakes and all in all it was a fun half and hour. The church, who were running the […]
The Senior Room went to The Strand on October 13th. We were looking for things from the following Domains Eukarya, Bacteria and Archaea. We thought that we would find lots of things from the Eukarya Domain as it made up of four Kingdoms – Prostista, Fungi, Animalia and Plantae. We found trees, plants, horses, water bugs, […]
Liosmór Mochuda National School. We are delighted to invite all children aged 2 – 6 years to a Hallowe’en Dress-Up Party. This party will be held on our school premises at Liosmór Mochuda National School on North Mall in Lismore. The event is free; there will be Hallowe’en Crafts and Games as well […]