Since the start of the new school year we have been working very hard. Some of the activities we did were: Oral language, we discussed our summer holidays, we wrote about our favourite part of the holidays. We have revised our Jolly Phonics sounds and we are now teaching them to the Junior Infants. We are learning lots of Irish from Bud na Cainte and we are enjoying all the new songs based on our lessons. At Math’s Class we have revised number, subtraction and addition. Junior and Seniors have been doing sorting and classifying.
During the month of September our main focus at S.P.S.E. has been Myself” and at art we painted “Self Portraits” also on” Roald Dahl Day” we spoke about our favourite Roald Dahl book. Afterwards we drew pictures. Our drawings are on display in the school hallway. First and Second class did some research on Roald Dahl life.