'What's Happening' Blog

Christmas Plays

Published on January 03rd 2017 by LMNS

Christmas Show:

Before we preformed our Christmas play we played Jingle Bells on the violin. We had practiced lots of times before in little groups and a few times as a big group. Thanks Kathyrn for all your hard work.

Santa’s Workshop:

Once again we wrote our own Christmas play. We came up with the idea of children sneaking into Santa’s workshop and then something going wrong that only they could fix. We had so much fun practicing the play and learning our lines. Our teacher’s favourite part was when Jimmy the Elf knocked Santa out. We performed it really well and our teachers were delighted with us.











Humph the Camel:

The Junior Room’s play was about a camel who would not say anything but Humph….when he saw the baby Jesus however, he had much more to say. It was great fun to watch and we think the Junior Room did an excellent job.


Liosmór Mochuda National School is a mixed two-teacher school in Lismore, Co. Waterford under the Patronage of the Church of Ireland. It is nestled at the top of North Mall between the historic St. Carthages Cathedral and the Deanery.



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