'What's Happening' Blog

World Book Day

Published on March 03rd 2017 by LMNS

Thursday March 2nd was World Book Day. The children in the Junior Room had a ‘Where’s Wally’ themed day. Thanks to Nora-Kate’s Mum we had a child size version of Wally as well as lots of other Wally items. Some of the children dressed as Wally and completed a Wally themed Maths trail. Others dressed as their favourite book characters.

After lunch we had a shared reading activity. The older and younger children really benefit from this as they get to share the reading experience.

The children in the Senior Room have been writing stories which they are hoping to make into a book for their parents.

The children’s thoughts on World Book Day will be up on the website soon…..so watch out for them!


Liosmór Mochuda National School is a mixed two-teacher school in Lismore, Co. Waterford under the Patronage of the Church of Ireland. It is nestled at the top of North Mall between the historic St. Carthages Cathedral and the Deanery.



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